
Building on the technical and artistic paradigms employed in afterdust//afterglow, we bring the sequel production phantom//wash for audiences in both underground and academic artistic research scenes in Switzerland and Germany. The set intricately connects moving lights, tube lights, and LED strips to the behavior of ZYKLOS’ sonic improvisation machines, creating an immersive environment that tightly blends sonic gesture with atmosphere and sensorial stimulation. Sonically, the performances situate themselves between the genres of “noisy” and “noise” music, inspired by the aesthetic of  Ryoji Ikeda, Merzbow, Milian Mori, Nonotak Studio. Conceptually, the project is inspired by Albert Camus (“The Myth of Sisyphus”), Wataru Tsurumi (“The Complete Manual of Suicide”), and Sogyal Rinpoche (“The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”) and presents through the format of performance the rituals of transition, existential confrontation, and the many ways of saying farewell.

Melody Chua :: sensor-augmented flute, live projections, video edit

Chi Him Chik :: sensor-augmented saxophone, katana, light design

TRIGGER WARNING: Flashing lights